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The Book of Change
Friday, 27 August 2010
Changed @ 11:45 - Link - comments
I'd put this journal somewhere safe while I threw myself into the festivities of Summerfaire - a place so safe that I've only just found it again!

The brightness of Summerfaire has passed, fading into memory as the darkness gathers once more. Balthazar has been heard and seen in the lands as he searches for some unknown item. Some time back, a peculiar portal materialised at the Dundee Inn ... and of course, it was just too much of a temptation, so I dived into it, in the company of several others who had been at the Inn.
We found ourselves in the Hall of the Archmage Azeraphel, who told us a tale that might provide some explanation of the Dark Lord's recent activities.
There's been some strange behaviour of late amongst some of the demons. They seem to appear not in order to attack, but to search for something. Unfortunately, the words of the Archmage were not clear as to what is sought.
So I've been spending time wandering the lands, mostly visiting areas I've not been to for quite some time. I don't know what I'm looking for, but I'm keeping an eye out for any changes that may be apparent, any odd behaviour by creatures I come across, any items that may have moved or changed in appearance. It's not much, I know, but for now it's all I can think of to do while my mind goes over and over the riddle of Balthazar's quest.

There's a very dark area that's always intrigued me. I've asked a few people what they knew of it, but information was sparse. A couple of evenings back I collected together all the equipment I could find that would give me any light, and asked Peppa for his assistance. He cast every blessing of light he had on me - and needed to shield his eyes by the time he was finished!
Unfortunately,all that light didn't reveal any great mystery, just a rather scruffy alley and the window of an inn.

All in all, any ideas I've hed recently haven't borne fruit - but along with others in the lands I keep fighting, keep trying. Somebody will soon find the information we need to defeat this latest plan of Balthazar, I'm sure.